Wylie Thunder Road opens in Aberdeen


SIOUX FALLS, S.D. (KELO) — Thunder Road in Aberdeen is welcoming some new upgrades this summer season.

Thunder Road in Aberdeen is opening up daily admission this Wednesday. And this year, people can expect some new additions to their park experience.

“We’re excited about this upcoming season. We have upgraded carts that are completely different than what we’ve had in the past. So we’re getting those ready. We have some more coming in today, actually,” David Novstrup said.

General manager and co-owner David Novstrup says the new carts are fueled using locally sourced E-85 ethanol and will feature an open body.

“We’ve had the same carts since 98. So it’s been a long time since we’ve tried something different,” Novstrup said.

This season, Novstrup is expecting a similar turnout in guests as 2020– after the pandemic created a bigger demand for people to get outside.

“It really drew people out and even more than other years. So we actually had a pretty good season because people were trying to find any day and time that they could be outside,” Novstrup said.

As warmer weather moves in, the park will continue opening in phases, including the boats.
Something else people can expect is a new policy on wristbands, extending it from weekdays to include weekends too.

“We’ll sell the bands from one to six, seven days a week. So something that we’re excited about too, and give people a chance to do the two hours bands any day of the week versus just weekdays,” Novstrup said.

To see all of the changes at Wylie Thunder Road in Aberdeen, click here.

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